365telugu.com,online news, Hyderabad, August 23, 2020: Search Inside Yourself Leadership Institute (SIYLI), an independent global nonprofit organization born at Google, in association with NASSCOM, conducted a Masterclass session on Mindfulness focusing on Mental Health in VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous). The session was led by Mr. Gopi Krishnaswamy, mindfulness teacher & regional lead at SIYLI, India.While the world is grappling with uncertainty, good mental health is important to navigate through these tough times. The program helped participants realize the positive impact of mindfulness, emotional intelligence, resilience and manage stress better through empathy and compassion.Challenged with new reality of working from home, temporary unemployment, home-schooling of children, and lack of social contact with other family members, friends, and colleagues, it is important to look after our mental, as well as our physical, health. The two hours session started by touching upon Uncertainty, the indicators and perils of poor mental health, challenges at the workplace and their impact on mental health. The session introduced the audience to the basic techniques of mindfulness, how it helps mental health, and ways to utilize Mindfulness to identify and address these challenges.

Commenting on the session, Mr. Gopi Krishnaswamy, mindfulness teacher and regional lead from SIYLI, India and Sri Lanka, said, “Every business leader takes decisions that impact many people and the world around them. With better self-awareness of our mental health, we would be in a better position to take Emotionally Intelligent decisions. It is imperative for leaders to be aware, compassionate and lead with empathy in these challenging times. It was our endeavor, through this session, to inspire people to cultivate effective mindfulness techniques to benefit self and others around them.”So far, SIYLI has trained over 50,000 people across more than 150 countries and is one of the most sought after Mindfulness based EI programs in the world. Mindfulness is the ability to stay in the present and be aware of what’s happening in the environment. These sessions help reduce stress levels increase well-being, develop emotional resilience, cognitive resilience, equanimity, and inner calm.