365Telugu.com online news,Mumbai,May 3, 2024: Mahindra & Mahindra [M&M], the automotive and farm equipment flagship of the Mahindra Group, has received a record 674 patents in FY24, the most of any Indian 4-wheeler automobile/farm equipment manufacturer. This is a 380% increase in the number of patents issued to M&M over FY23.

M&M is constantly pushing the boundaries of innovation by investing in research and the use of cutting-edge technology. Our strategy of prioritizing R&D has helped us to come up with futuristic automotive brands with world-class features. We firmly believe that by staying at the forefront of technology, we can deliver the loftiest expectations of our customers.

So far, we have been conferred 1185 patents across multiple geographies, and we currently have 193 applications awaiting patent approval, as of 31st March 2024. Cumulatively, we have filed 2212 patent applications to date. The patent portfolio also includes fillings of M&M’s subsidiary, Mahindra Electric Automobile Ltd. In addition to our patents, we have also got 115 designs registered and 178 new applications filed. This record-breaking achievement is a testament to our cutting-edge research prowess.

Speaking about the achievement, Rajesh Jejurikar, ED & CEO [Auto & Farm Sectors], Mahindra & Mahindra said: “We are constantly working to push the frontiers of what is possible in the automobile and farm equipment segments. Our relentless pursuit of cutting-edge technologies has enabled us to create the safest and most advanced products and positioned us as a true innovator in the industry.

We understand the importance of being future-ready; therefore, we have made significant R&D investments to ensure that we stay ahead of the curve in terms of technology and talent.”

M&M’s patent portfolio covers a range of critical functions, such as powertrain (ICE & EV), vehicle mechanical systems, electronics, manufacturing processes, electric tractors, and advanced engineering, among others. These patents have led to pioneering new technologies that have redefined the automotive and tractor segments, creating the safest and most cutting-edge customer experiences.

Our investment in the development of these technologies has been in areas related to innovation, customer experience, and safety. This includes active safety systems, advanced driver assistance systems, advanced automotive electronics, lightweight technologies, enhanced vehicle dynamics, connected vehicle technologies, high-precision hydraulics, smart combine harvesters, smart connected implements, and hill farming, among others.

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