365Telugu.com online news,Hyderabad,February 28th,2024:For the first time, a fantastic fitness program took place in MahbubNagar where the Mr. Telangana & Mr. MahbubNagar Shafi Sami Bodybuilding & Men’s Physique Championship was held on Sunday, February 25th.
Bodybuilders from various states such as Mumbai, Delhi, and Karnataka participated in this event, in both the Men’s Physique and Bodybuilding categories. Additionally, a cash prize of ₹50,000 was awarded to the overall winners.
were given to each of the top three winners in each category. The intention behind organizing this event in MahbubNagar is to provide motivation to the youth of MahbubNagar so that they stay away from alcohol and other narcotics by engaging in health and fitness activities.
Mr. Osman Alhajri, Congress Contested MLA and Karwan Incharge, attended the event to motivate the youth.
Event organiser Mr. Mohammed Imran Gyms Association Secretary Mahbubnagar
Team Shafi Sami names
Mr Kashi Vishwanath katta Mr Obaid Alhajri
Mr. Abdullah ABSANI
Mr. Shanawaz Mr. Mr Abdul Rahman Alhajri Waseem zama Mr. Rizwan Mr. Syed Yousuf