365telugu.com,online news,Hyderabad, 22nd may,2020: No doubt that Star Maa is a brand known for being bold and trying new things. Continuing with its nature, even during lockdown with the original programming being unavailable, the channel has managed to create a wholesome array of products everyday catering to all members of the household, ensuring their viewers #StaySafeStayHome and #StayEntertained. From the best movie premieres spanning the Telugu blockbusters to global blockbuster Avengers Endgame, retelling the stories of the most watched Telugu fiction shows, curated Nonfiction block in primetime, a Mythology band in the mornings to having a specially designed band for the kids called Kinderland, Star Maa is unequivocally the biggest and best all-round entertainer as per the viewers . Kartika deepam proves that be it original or rerun it’s one of the biggest shows of India. Channel has created some interesting shows shot from home on mobile phones likeiShmartJodiJourney where viewers see their favorite artists interacting with a celebrity anchor and ‘BigLockdownChallenge’ wherein the show’s stars are doing various tasks given by their co-stars. This is definitely a never seen before turn of events as far as Reality TV goestells some Telugu. Audience seems to have showered their love on these shows appreciating them with viewership numbers and comments on social media.

When contacted some viewers we could get some interesting details from them. Initially I was surprised that Global movies like avengers, End game etc are being Telecasted in Star Maa. Later I felt very happy for watching it in Telugu. Me and my brother are thankful to the channel for telecasting these set of movies. Looking forward for such surprises.

mahesh, Vizag Lion king was my favorite movie, I have watched this movie in theater with my father for 2 times. But watching it on TV have enjoyed more. Thanks to Star Maa for Telecasting and my mom for cooking nuggets & making the experience much better.ansool, 6th Standard, always interested to look at celebrity’s life closer. Whenever I got free time, use to search on these things on internet. Watching big lockdown challenge on Star Maa made me to know on what they do at home and their life styles. sahsra rana, 32yrs( Female)We have also contacted Anchor Ohmkar, host for Ismartjodi to comment on this special story: Though it has been tough situation for us without shoot happening. We have planned for innovative episodes like Ismart journey. The concept is all about their journey together in their words. For the 1st time in Television Industry we have used Zoom platform. With all these efforts put in by channel & they seems to be successful in #MaaPrayatnamManaKosam.