PM congratulates Indian cricket team for winning ICC U19 World Cup online news,Delhi ,february 6th,2022:The Prime Minister, Narendra Modi has congratulated the Indian cricket team for winning the ICC U19 World Cup. online news,Delhi ,february 6th,2022:The Prime Minister, Narendra Modi has congratulated the Indian cricket team for winning the ICC U19 World Cup.,online news, Hyderabad ,10TH, OCTOBER, 2020 :Contract Administration involves activities to meet requirements of a contract from the time it is awarded until the works are completed and include the subsequent…,online news,hyderabad,july 2nd, 2020:Chairman Southern Region,Indian Chamber of commerce:Warm Welcome to All the delegates and Shri Jayesh Ranjan, Shri Rakesh Mishra, Mr. Sujai and Sri Durga Rao.ICC is proud to… online news,Hyderabad,18th June 2020: Debmalya Banerjee , Regional Director Indian Chamber of Commerce (ICC) in his Welcome remarks said:,ICC bulk of the membership is from the manufacturing sector. Around…