India’s Growing Global Influence in 2025.. online news,March 17th,2025: India is on a trajectory that positions it as a key global power in the coming years. With its rapidly expanding economy, online news,March 17th,2025: India is on a trajectory that positions it as a key global power in the coming years. With its rapidly expanding economy, online news,March 17th,2025: As we move into 2025, the global balance of power is shifting, with countries vying for influence through economic,
365తెలుగు డాట్ కామ్ ఆన్ లైన్ న్యూస్, ఫిబ్రవరి 28,2025: టొరంటో, రాయిటర్స్: అమెరికా, కెనడా నుంచి దిగుమతులపై కొత్త కఠినమైన టారిఫ్లను విధించాలని