365Telugu.com online news,February 5th,2025: In a historic first, 11 sailors from Telangana-the largest contingent from the state for an international sailing event-have been selected to compete in the 21st Langkawi International Regatta at Perdana, Malaysia.
Leading the senior team in the 470 Mixed Class is Preethi Kongara, who recently secured a bronze at the Senior Nationals in Mumbai. She will be accompanied by crew member Chakali Karthik from Jogulamba Gadwal.

In the juniors, multiple-time national champion Vaishnavi Veeravamsham from Marredpally will skipper the 420 Mixed Class, alongside crew Sravan Kathravath, a young tribal talent from Brahmanapally Tanda, Nalgonda. This duo currently holds the No.1 ranking in India.
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ఇది కూడా చదవండి: కడుపు క్యాన్సర్ను నివారించే మార్గాలు ఏమిటి..?
Among the sub-juniors, Rizwan Mohammad from Pattigada, ranked India’s No.1 in the boys’ category, will lead the challenge, closely followed by Lahiri Komaravelly from Rasoolpura. Other top-ranking Telangana sailors-Vinod Dandu, Chandralekha, Bhanu Chandra, Ravi Kumar, and Badrinath Nirudu-will also be competing.
Most of these young athletes hail from Udbhav School in Rasoolpura and have been supported by The Yacht Club of Hyderabad through its CSR program for underprivileged children.

“This is the first time so many sailors from Telangana are representing India at an international event. The regatta is a Grade 3 International Open event and part of the Malaysian ranking circuit, featuring participants from 15 countries,” said Suheim Sheikh, President of the Telangana Sailing Association.
Sheikh will be accompanying the team as the National Coach under the Yachting Association of India.
ఇది కూడా చదవండి: కడుపు క్యాన్సర్ను నివారించే మార్గాలు ఏమిటి..?
ఇది కూడా చదవండి: ప్రపంచ క్యాన్సర్ దినోత్సవ చరిత్ర..
Telangana will have the largest representation, with additional participation from Banny Bongur-also from Telangana but currently training at the Army Sports School in Mysore-alongside four sailors from Bhopal and two from Chennai, including India’s No.1, Shreya Krishna.

The team is set to depart for Langkawi this evening, accompanied by two additional coaches and a physiotherapist for performance management. A strong showing at the regatta could secure their selection for the Singapore Nationals in April.