365Telugu.com online news,Hyderabad,December 11, 2024 : Wipro Infrastructure Engineering (WIN) has unveiled Wipro Research, a strategic initiative aimed at accelerating innovation and advancing engineering-focused research. This initiative will foster groundbreaking advancements through a collaborative model combining academic partnerships, startup incubation, and in-house research expertise.
At the heart of this initiative is a key partnership with the Birla Institute of Technology & Science (BITS) Pilani. This collaboration will support doctoral research, sponsor PhDs, and enable academic-industry research in cutting-edge areas, marking a milestone in academia-industry synergy in India.

Headquartered in Bengaluru, Wipro Research is set to drive innovation across Wipro Infrastructure Engineering’s core business units: Hydraulics, Automation, Aerospace, Water, and 3D Printing. The initiative aligns academic excellence with industrial expertise to develop sustainable and impactful engineering solutions.
Leadership and Vision
Mr. Pratik Kumar, CEO of Wipro Infrastructure Engineering and MD of Wipro Enterprises, said, “The launch of Wipro Research reflects our dedication to advancing pioneering research that strengthens our core business domains. This collaboration with BITS Pilani ensures we remain at the forefront of technological progress.”
The initiative will be led by Mr. Sundararaman G (Sundar), transitioning from his role as Co-CEO of Wipro PARI to Scientist & Head (Designate) of Wipro Research. Sundar highlighted the project’s focus on cutting-edge technologies with a 2–5 year horizon, emphasizing R&D collaboration in Motion Components, Autonomous Control, Computer Vision, Electronics, Network Communication, Material Science, and Manufacturing Processes.
BITS Pilani Partnership
Prof. V. Ramgopal Rao, Vice Chancellor of BITS Pilani, welcomed the collaboration, emphasizing the significance of academia-industry partnerships in driving technological advancements. “Together, we aim to pioneer solutions for industrial challenges, initially focusing on hydraulics and automation, with plans to expand into aerospace, water, and 3D printing,” he said.
The collaboration will sponsor PhD and master’s students working on projects like lightweight industrial components, smart hydraulic systems, and machine vision integration. Sponsored students will benefit from access to advanced research facilities and opportunities to contribute to industry-aligned innovation.
With Wipro Research, Wipro Infrastructure Engineering and BITS Pilani set the stage for a transformative era in engineering innovation. The initiative will not only advance research but also nurture talent and create impactful solutions to shape the future of industries globally.