365Telugu.com online news,Hyderabad, April 2, 2024: Wonderla Holidays Ltd., India’s largest amusement park chain has introduced a special offer exclusively for Wonderla Hyderabad in celebration of the park’s 8th anniversary.Visitors can now book their park tickets in advance for 4th – 7th April 2024 starting at a never before rate of Rs 1008.This limited ticket offer is applicable only for online bookings.

With the festivities of Ramzan around, Wonderla has announced a bunch of offers where visitors can avail Park tickets and food combo packages starting at Rs.999. This limited ticket offer is valid only for online bookings from 11th to 14th April 2024 and visitors can pre-book their tickets from 3rd April onwards.

That’s not it, Wonderla Holidays is also back with their Hall ticket offer. The Hall Ticket Offer is a unique discount offer available to students who have taken their 10th, 11th, and 12th exams for the 2023-2024 academic year. By presenting their original exam hall tickets, students can receive a 35% discount on Wonderla park entry tickets. This offer can be claimed both online and offline, but students must have their current year’s hall ticket verified at the park before they can enter.

Also, Wonderla has announced a Special Combo offerexclusively for college students to unwind and relax starting from 6th April 2024. The special combo ticket of park entry with food starting at Rs 1,550 is available both online & offline bookings. Students between the age of 16 – 24 years can avail the offer and are requested to carry their college ID card to avail the offer during park entry.

“Completing 8 yearsof Wonderla Hyderabad is a significant milestone for us, and we are thrilled to celebrate with our extended family. I would wholeheartedly like to extend my gratitude to our visitors for their continuous support and love, hope to achieve greater milestones in the future together. From the towering drops of our water slides to the heart-pounding twists and turns of our roller coasters, Wonderla promises an adventure you won’t forget!” said Arun K Chittilappilly, Managing Director of Wonderla Holidays Limited.

Wonderla encourages visitors to book their entry tickets in https://bookings.wonderla.com/ advance through online portal or customers can buy the tickets directly from the park counters or can contact Hyderabad Park -: 0841 4676333, 91000 63636.

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