Balapur Ganesh laddu auctioned for record price Online News, Hyderabad, September 9th, 2022: Hyderabad’s most notable Balapur Ganesh laddu end up sold for Rs. 24 lakh and 60 thousand. During the overall population deal that started out on Friday morning, TRS pioneer V Laxma Reddy stowed it. Consistently, the overall population deal is hung on the last day of the Ganesh icon drenching.

Last year, the laddu brought Rs. 18.90 lakh. The bartering end up won through YSR Congress MLC RV Ramesh Yadav from Kadapa, Andhra Pradesh and his partner Marri Shashank Reddy. In 1994, the laddu end up unloaded at Rs. 450. Consistently, the overall population deal sum improved and today, it arrived at Rs. 26.6 lakh.

Balapur Ganesh laddu auctioned for record price

Huge security courses of action are in area for the consistently Ganesh submersion parades in and round Hyderabad on Friday. As the day harmonizes with Friday supplications and considering the advanced aggravations saw over a hostile video posted through the now suspended BJP MLA Raja Singh, police have elevated the carefulness over the twin urban communities of Hyderabad and Secunderabad and edges.

North of 25,000 police officers had been sent withinside the limits of three police commissionerates-Hyderabad, Cyberabad and Rachakonda. Extra insurance game plans had been made withinside the collectively delicate Old City of Hyderabad.