Apple iphone new updates Online News, Mumbai, September 20, 2022:Apple recently released iOS 16 for Apple iPhone users along with the new Apple iPhone 14, Apple iPhone 14 Pro and Apple iPhone 14 Pro. According to a latest report by The Wall Street Journal..Tech The giant is about to release its new update. The latest operating system will be available next week. The first public releases of a new operating system often contain some bugs.

iOS 16 is no exception.Throughout the course of recent days, there have been a few reports of Apple iPhone clients confronting issues with outsider camera applications and clipboard consent prompts. As per the report, the iOS 16 update is supposed to fix these issues. Apple iPhone 14 Star models are encountering a few significant issues like gadget freezing after information move from another iPhone.

Apple iphone new updates

Expert iPhone clients have asserted that the camera module shakes when utilized in applications including Instagram, Snapchat, and TikTok. Apple has not made a public announcement on the cases, nonetheless, a MacRumors report shows that the organization is probably going to deliver iOS 16.0.2 soon. “We are aware of the issue. An Apple spokesperson told that we will release a fix for these issues next week.