365Telugu.com online news,March 2nd,2024: Department of AYUSH has directed all regional Ayurvedic and Unani authorities to check the stock of these two capsules in their respective areas and ban their sale immediately.
Uttar Pradesh health department officials have issued orders that wholesalers and retailers selling Ayurvedic medicines should not sell these two capsules.

Two types of capsules..
The authorities have decided to ban the sale of both types of capsules in Uttar Pradesh after finding high amounts of steroids in both types of capsules. When these two capsules were tested, they were banned as they contained a large amount of steroids.
AYUSH department orders..
The Uttar Pradesh AYUSH department has instructed to be careful with these two types of capsules used for strength. It is said that these are harmful to health. Two capsule samples sent from Maharajganj district for testing at the Ayurvedic Laboratory in Lucknow were found to contain high doses of steroids.

Due to this, the AYUSH department has issued orders to ban the sale of these capsules across the state of Uttar Pradesh. It has directed all regional Ayurvedic and Unani authorities to check the stock of these two types of capsules in their respective areas and ban their sale immediately.
Note: Consider this information only.. Do not make any health related decisions based on this information. Consult a medical professional for that.