365Telugu.com online news,Hyderabad,11 th January,2024: Blue Cross of Hyderabad, one of Hyderabad’s first and oldest animal welfare organisation, is conducting the second edition of #LoveMyIndie Dog Show, on Sunday, 21st January 2024 at 2 P.M. at Chaitanya Vidyalaya, Domalguda (next to Ramakrishna Mission).
A one-of-a-kind dog show exclusively for Indie pet dogs.
LoveMyIndie Dog Show is not just a competition; it’s a heartfelt celebration of the inherent beauty,resilience, and uniqueness of our Indie Dogs. Through this annual show, Blue Cross of Hyderabad aims to shift the focus to our desi companions, promoting their adoption and ensuring they find loving homes.

Amala Akkineni, Founder & Chairperson at Blue Cross of Hyderabad, says, “Historically the Indie has been the favoured companion and working dog across the villages and towns of India. Known for its devotion, hardy constitution and resilient nature, the Indie has survived and thrived.
Urban Indians have recently discovered their value. In comparison to rearing breed dogs as pets, Indie pet parents vouch thatIndies are hardier, stress free and economical to adopt. Their loyalty and devotion are noteworthy, making them ideal companions.
“Love My Indie Dog Show“ is an event to bring together people from all walks of life and build a community of people who have opened their hearts and homes for homeless dogs. #LoveMyIndie Dog show provides a network of support systems to the pet adopter/ parents while celebrating their Indie dogs.
Last year we had about 75 entries and it was immensely gratifying to see the care given to Indie dogs, as pet parents took the centre stage to showcase their pets. I look forward to this year’s show, on January 21 st and hope to see many more entries, growing the “Love my Indie” community.”

The show will feature a spotlight for the pet parents to share the adventures/stories of their canine companions. Attendees can expect to witness a glorious display of lovable desi dogs, showcasing their intelligence and charm.
The organisers, as last year, will continue to ensure there is safe space,
accessibility to water & emergency veterinary assistance to ensure that all dogs feel comfortable and secure.
There are various categories your Indie can participate in, to win numerous prizes sponsored by MARS Petcare India, a trusted partner of the show. While entry is free of charge, registration is compulsory. The pet-friendly venue is offered for the animal-friendly cause by Chaitanya Vidyalaya.
Mars Petcare and Blue Cross of Hyderabad have a longstanding association, backed by several of its initiatives, including the “Love My Indie Dog Show” held last year. Both organisations share expertise in animal welfare, community engagement capabilities, and advocacy efforts, making them a good fit for each other.

Speaking about the show, Salil Murthy, Managing Director, Mars Petcare India said, “At Mars Petcare, our singular commitment over the past two decades in India has been to enhance the health and well-being of pets.
We are focused on educating and raising awareness about proper nutrition, ensuring the well-being, and fostering healthy lives of pets. Our purpose is to create a better world
for pets, where their health, care, and well-being are paramount. The #LoveMyIndie show serves as a unique platform to inspire positive change in behavior towards indie dogs but also cultivate a deeper sense of empathy and understanding.
This initiative is a celebration of the bond between pet parents and their indie dogs, highlighting the love, compassion, and exceptional qualities of these wonderful pets.

It’s a step forward in our journey to acknowledge and celebrate the special role pets play in our lives.” This event is supported by multiple animal welfare groups: Abhaya – People for Animals, Humane Society International/India, Animal Warriors Hyderabad, Pet Adoption, and Aasara Foundation.
You can register your Indie pet dog at https://t.ly/x-aac or contact one of the organisations for details.