365Telugu.com online news,July 9th,2024:Vi Business, the enterprise arm of Vi, a leading telecom operator, and PayU, one of India’s leading digital financial services providers, have come together in a strategic partnership to propel India’s MSME’s into their digital journeys, by providing them bespoke digital payment solutions.

The partnership will combine Vi Businesses digital transformation solutions and PayU’s expertise in digital payments and financial services solutions to offer a comprehensive suite of services designed to address growing needs of MSMEs.

This collaboration brings innovative payment solutions, bespoke offers engine, buy-now-pay-later options, and seamless WhatsApp integration – all meticulously designed keeping India’s growing MSMEs at the core.

Vi Business, as part of its dedicated MSME program, ReadyForNext is also offering an exclusive range of productivity & collaboration digital tools tailor-made for MSMEs at special prices.

The products include location tracking, google workspace, personal cloud storage and mobile security solutions to assist MSME’s in efficiently managing their digital workplace, business and customer engagements

Speaking on the partnership, Arvind Nevatia, Chief Enterprise Business Officer, Vodafone Idea, said, “Our partnership with PayU underscores our commitment towards digital enablement of small and medium sized businesses in India. By combining Vi Business’s best-in-class enterprise solutions and PayU’s expertise in fintech, we aim to accelerate MSMEs growth journey.”

Anirban Mukherjee – Chief Executive Officer, PayU said, “At PayU, we believe in the power of digital innovation to transform businesses at a grassroot level. Our partnership with Vi Business is a testament to our commitment to supporting Indian MSMEs in their digital transformation. Together, we are providing a robust suite of business and digital finance solutions designed to increase revenues and boost efficiency, enabling these MSMEs to thrive in today’s competitive market.”

Details of the MSME services offered jointly by Vi Business and PayU include:

1.  Integrated payment solutions: Vi Business-PayU partnership introduces a seamless payment gateway experience with zero transaction charges for UPI and RuPay, and reduced rates for domestic debit and credit cards, and net banking.

2.  WhatsApp store: Enables businesses to offer their customers a seamless shopping experience, discovering awesome products to collecting payments, everything happens seamlessly within WhatsApp. It reduces friction in the checkout process and increases customer conversion eliminating the need for redirection between apps or websites.

3.  Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL): BNPL enables MSMEs to receive full payment at the time of purchase while customers enjoy flexible payment options offers at reduced transaction charges,

4.  Customized offers at check out: PayU’s ‘Offer Engine’ enables MSMEs to create & run promotion campaigns for the consumer, improving ticket size while driving customer loyalty.

5.  Tools for employee productivity and collaboration: In addition to the above offers, Vi Business has also introduced exclusive offers for MSME’ for employee collaboration & productivity. Benefit includes Google Workspace, Location Tracking, Personal Cloud Storage, Mobility Security bundled complimentary along with unlimited calling and 60GB data with Business Plus Plan at just Rs 349 with benefits valued at Rs 65,280 per year.

To avail this, MSMEs can visit: https://www.myvi.in/business/enterprise-segments/smb/msme-readyfornext-digital-assessment

MSME OfferBenefits
INR 349/-(monthly rental)Unlimited Voice Local /National / Roaming, 60GB Data, 3000 SMS
Bundles: SonyLiv, Mobile Security, Location tracking, Google Workspace, ISD Rate Cutter, Personal Cloud 50GB (New Launch)

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