365Telugu.com online news,Gandhinagar, January 29th, 2025: Mukesh Ambani, Chairman of Reliance Industries, added his perspective to the ongoing discourse on artificial intelligence during his address at the convocation ceremony of Pandit Deendayal Energy University (PDEU).

Emphasizing the balanced use of AI, he remarked, “Use tools like ChatGPT, but remember that true progress stems from your own intelligence, not just artificial intelligence.”

Delivering an inspiring message to the graduating students, Ambani urged them to embrace AI as a tool while maintaining reliance on their intellect. “My advice to young students is to master the use of artificial intelligence, but never let it replace your inner wisdom.

As you leave this university, you will join the greater ‘University of Life’-a place without classrooms, teachers, or defined boundaries. Your success will depend on your ability to navigate challenges independently,” he said.

Ambani also praised Prime Minister Narendra Modi for his visionary leadership, highlighting the establishment of PDEU as a pivotal milestone. “This university is the result of Prime Minister Modi’s foresight.

Two decades ago, he envisioned Gujarat as a leader in energy innovation and a hub for world-class human resource development. PDEU is a testament to that vision,” said Ambani, who serves as the Founding President and Chairman of the university.

In a powerful assertion during his speech, Ambani expressed unwavering confidence in India’s future. “I firmly believe that India will emerge as the world’s most prosperous nation by the end of this century. No force in the world can halt our growth trajectory,” he declared, leaving the audience inspired.