365Telugu.com online news,India, September 22, 2024: Myntra has officially announced the highly anticipated dates for its flagship shopping event, the Big Fashion Festival (BFF). The festival, starting from 26th September 2024, promises to be bigger than ever, with BoAt as the title sponsor. This edition will feature an impressive 3.4 million styles, marking a 47% increase compared to the previous edition.

Over 9700+ leading brands, including international, domestic, and homegrown names, will participate in the event, offering customers a wide array of festive fashion choices. Members of Myntra’s loyalty program, Myntra Insiders, will enjoy exclusive Early Access starting 24 hours in advance on 25th September.
This year’s festival boasts innovative deals designed to provide incredible value. Myntra will introduce the concept of ‘Brand Of The Day’, where customers can grab special deals from their favorite brands. One of the standout offers is the ‘Buy 1 Get 4’ deal, providing an exceptional opportunity for shoppers to refresh their wardrobes in time for the festive season.

Myntra is set to offer a diverse range of products across categories such as men’s occasion and casual wear, women’s ethnic and western wear, beauty and personal care, footwear, home decor, jewelry, watches, and wearables. With the inclusion of 3700 new brands, the Big Fashion Festival will cater to everyone’s fashion needs, featuring exclusive hero collections for the season.
Neha Wali, Senior Director of Revenue and Growth at Myntra, said, “This edition of the Big Fashion Festival is about more than just shopping; it’s about elevating the festive fashion experience. With a vast selection of styles and value-driven propositions, we are committed to offering trend-first fashion, beauty, and lifestyle products to millions of Indians celebrating festivals across the country.”
Shoppers can unlock additional savings through Myntra’s co-branded credit card with Kotak Mahindra Bank, offering 7.5% + 5% off on purchases. Other exciting offers include up to 10% off through financial partners such as ICICI, Kotak, and Axis Banks, along with assured cashbacks from PhonePe.

This year’s Big Fashion Festival promises to be a grand celebration of fashion, offering unmatched deals and a seamless shopping experience for all.