365telugu.com online news,hydrabad march 23nd2020:”Businesses have been going through a tough time with the COVID19 pandemic spreading, and the co-living space has been no different. However, as a home to migrant youth from across the country, Stanza Living stands by and supports the people who have been left stranded or are facing accommodation challenges because of reasons not under their control. We are offering some of our new Stanza Living residences across 10+ cities to any such person/s who needs a place to stay, with immediate effect. The health and safety of our residents is a top priority for us, and we have undertaken important sanitation measures across our residences to safeguard them. We are closely monitoring the situation and in line with the national health advisories have strengthened our on-site cleanliness and sanitation measures, advised social distancing and discouraged visitor movement only essential personnel at our residences.”