365telugu.com online news,Tirupati, 25 November,2021: TTD JEO Veerabrahmam inspected the ongoing development works at Srinivasa Mangapuram.During the review meeting with officials in the temple premises, he directed the concerned to make accommodation arrangements for devotees and Archakas near Kalyana Mandapam. He also instructed to bring Krishna Deva Raya Sadan into public utility soon.

The JEO also said to initiate measures to ensure that rain water does not enter inside the temple. He directed to erect display boards with the necessary information for the sake of devotees. The officials were directed to send the proposals of development works to Archaeological authorities for prior permission.

He said, soon there will be review meeting on Vaikunta Ekadasi arrangements.

Later he also visited SV Ayurveda Pharmacy in Narsingapuram and verified the preparation of medicines.